Marriott Hotel

How to synchronize music and feeling

At the Marriott Hotel a basic set up is usually done taking advantage of the space there is a grill above the stage. This can be lowered and has enough bars to put spotlights at the desired height, depending on the depth you want to give the stage.

We usually place some spotlights against and then, some frontal spotlights on a catwalk at the height of the audience.


Event at the Hotel







In this particular case, for the theme of the orchestra what was done was to make the front of lights with cuts (the cuts are spotlights that as the word says, is a cut the light, not blur the light) to illuminate with white light as zenithal as possible the scores of the musicians of the orchestra. 

White light for the musicians

So that they could read the sheet music correctly.

A stage size ambilight

With this design we wanted to enhance the emotionality of the music with robotic lighting effects and color changes to reflect the feelings expressed by the music in a synchronized way.

Beam Effect

We left the back of the stage as dark as possible to be able to light it on robotic and Beam effect spotlights (a type of optics that closes a lot, making textures and small points of light to resemble a little with artificial spotlights).